Chris Benjamin

The Art of Forgiveness: Stories of youthful male angst populated by characters struggling to prove their worth

“Chris Benjamin’s mode of writing is raw, unvarnished, heartrending dirty realism. His characters are tormented youngsters left to navigate the fallout from family tragedy on their own while struggling to locate a moral compass to guide them through the emotional minefield of adolescence. The Art of Forgiveness is heady stuff, a careening ride without guardrails through chaotic […]

Indian School Road: Legacies of the Shubenacadie Residential School

Why I Wrote Indian School Road

This is from my introduction to Indian School Road: Legacies of the Shubenacadie Residential School, regarding my thought process on why I felt compelled to write a very difficult book: Here is what I found first: a recurring nightmare. Me wandering the black and white halls of the old building, as seen only in photographs, […]

Exclusive by Design

Originally published in Coastlands: The Maritimes Policy Review, in December 2007, on pages 26-27. By Chris Benjamin In August I moved back to Halifax after an eight-year hiatus in Toronto. I was surprised to find that not much has changed. The north end is gentrifying somewhat and I see a few new buildings going in, but, by and […]

My life behind the welfare wall

One woman’s struggle to move forward in the system that holds her back The following is an excerpt from the March 2016 Halifax Magazine feature called “My life behind the welfare wall,” by Kyla Derry as told to Chris Benjamin: Here’s something you may not know about poverty: when you get off welfare and get […]

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