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Nova Scotia Visions of the Future

SKU: 9781897426074


Forty of Nova Scotia’s best minds (and hearts) explore environment, technology, immigration, urban life, rural life, energy, politics, government, family, economics, and more. The writing is personal, provocative, reflective, and thoroughly captivating. In “The Futurology of Fatherhood,” Chris reflects on the opportunity and responsibility – his, society’s and the planet’s – of becoming a father.

Pottersfield Press / Nimbus Publishing publishers’ page

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In the summer of 2008, Pottersfield editor Lesley Choyce sent a letter to a select and varied list of Nova Scotians to contribute to a book about this province’s future. He invited some of the best minds (and hearts) around the province to present their vision of this possible province of the future.

Contributors would write about the environment, technology, immigration, social aspects, urban life, rural life, energy, politics, government, family, economics, forests, the ocean and much more. The bolder the vision, the better. Stories, personal opinions and controversial ideas were encouraged. Which future? Anything beyond ten years and up to a thousand.

The results of that request were varied, ambitious and surprising. This most insightful book may set in motion some serious action that can help Nova Scotia live up to its full future potential. The writing is personal, provocative, reflective, proactive, and thoroughly captivating by over forty contributors from many divers fields of expertise.

Pottersfield Press / Nimbus Publishing publishers’ page

Additional information

Weight 121 kg
Dimensions 81 × 19 × 31 cm

15.24 x 22.86 cm




Pottersfield Press


288 pages




458 g


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